Tuesday 15 November 2016

Evaluation of Preliminary Task

Evaluation of Preliminary Task:
How well does your preliminary task fulfil the brief?
I am particularly happy with the way my front cover turned out as I followed the brief to the best of my abilities. I have managed to achieve some of the codes and conventions of school magazines that I researched on one of my previous posts. My front cover contained an image of a student at medium close-up with some appropriately laid out text and a masthead. I also produced a layout of a contents page which demonstrated my ability of using DTP.
What obstacles did you overcome in order to complete the preliminary task?
As this was my first time using DTP I had to get used to how it worked in order for me to complete my preliminary task. I did not know how to insert an image into Photoshop so I had to go online and look at tutorials on how to use Photoshop properly and effectively.
How could you have improved the production values of your preliminary task?
I could have improved my DTP skills by adding more colours, pictures and text. I could have also used a few different styles of fonts. I could have also used a better quality of camera or even a different type of computer program system.
What tutorials did you use in order to help you complete the preliminary task?
I used a few different tutorials in order to help me proceed with my preliminary task. The main one I used was: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xS5uh5TCXcU as it taught me the basics of how to use Photoshop.
What important lessons have you learned in preparation for completing your main task?
 I have learn many important lessons as I have done my preliminary task, one of the most important ones was to save my work as I progressed further into the project as I lost my work a few times due to me not saving my work.
I also learned that you must layer each individual item on the page otherwise if you wish to delete it then you will delete all the work on that layer meaning you lose work that you may wish to keep.

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